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rachel157 @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, July 23, 2010

i honestly feel like giving up this blog. but then again, i love writing. i've always loved it but this blog is pretty much dead. so busy. WAY too busy to blog much. only short posts during wkends i guess. thats all i can do. And even during wkends so much hw... I used 2 love english so much but now i hate it. I rily rily hate it and it has everything to do wif a suckish tchr. haiz... thinking abt how so many things haf changed. In fact everything has changed. mostly. some things stayed the same. some things havn't changed... yet.
Friday, June 25, 2010

gee guys,
sry 4 not posting anythng 4 so long. i suddenly jus realised how soon sch was gonna start so i was like studying and chiong-ing hw. jus watched toy story 3 2day. damn nice n hilarious. oso vry touching. haha XD this is gonna b a short post so... till nxt time!
Friday, June 4, 2010

im watching anime now so this post is gonna b short. went 2 sch 4 drama prac, finalised the whole routine... painted my nails twice but decided 2 remove in the end. current anime im watching : baka to test to shoukanjuu. haha. rily funny. watchin the 5th ep now. so damn funny. ur shud srly watch it sumtime. haha :D
nice animes:
- naruto(at 1st interesting den it gets kinda boring)
- shugo chara
- alice academy!!!!
- baka to test to shoukanjuu
- bleach

tats abt it 4 now. gtg get bac 2 my show. haha
Thursday, June 3, 2010


ur shud noe my fav celebrity ever is taylor swift, so wen i saw these, i absolutely had 2 share them wif u^^ (some of t.swift's greeting cards. the nice ones...)

You believe that love can find you and last forever.
And when you smile, I believe it, too.

Love Love Love

(Blank cover)
Here's a glittery card to remind you on your birthday, I'll always have your back -- and love you like family.

Rebellion Is What You Make It
(Blank inside)

Life is just funnier with you around.
happy birthday

In this moment now...
Capture it, remember it, 'cause I don't know how it gets better than this. Here's to this moment. Here's to you. Happy Birthday.

ok... 2day im vry tired. was supposed 2 do hw but almost fell asleep at the com... so, went n took an afternoon nap. Den woke up 2hrs l8r. ate dinner, on-ed com 2 do hw. den com decided 2 suddenly stop working... finally got it working, did my chi online test. (got 17/20 fyi) lols, but so well is prob cos i cheat. use google translation. tho its rather crappy, at least got help abit la... ^^
so now, im finally blogging. oh ya, in the morning had bible study. den made sushi for lunch. oso microwave the marshmallow. it was damn big n chaoda(how 2 spell?) u shud srly try it sumtime. its damn awesome!!!!!!! 4got 2 take pic 4 ur tho... sad :(
tats abt it for 2day...

quote of the day:
"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them." ~Anon
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

hullo... so its the 5th day of the june hols. I was at sch todae. had 2 go bac 2 sch 4 drama practice. did i mention we were gonna put up a performance on the 3rd of july? haha :D
so... we were practicing our routine todae. i find the routine kinda hilarious n funny. total CULTURE SHOCK!!!! hahas, i think i rily better start on my maths hw. still procrastinating........................................................................................
i dunno wats wrong wif me...
vry HIGH!!!!
ok, so more abt the twilight saga:
my fav character...
tats kinda a rather tough qs. i guess it would prob b alice. hahas. so cool... she can c the future...
den, i oso guess i like bella cos she's so hilarious!!!
my most hated character...
prob jane... cant stand her arrogant attitude n how she likes torturing others. so sadistic. speaking of sadistic... i was reading this weird hilarious bk my drama fren brounght todae. it was abt how bunnies could commit suicide. in picture form. rily damn hilarious. WARNING: not for the faint hearted... its ttly gruesome...

Quote of the Day:
"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with." ~ Mark Twain
Tuesday, June 1, 2010


hahas, ok, i think after u c the heading, you'll think this is gonna b a boring post u noe wat, ur prob rite. I don exactly noe wat this post is actually gonna b abt xcept mayb maths... im jus making this up as i go along. so ok... maths is pretty... awful for me anyway. its my most hated subject if u didnt noe. haha. no offence 2 all maths lovers out there but truthfully, i don rily get maths. i mean as a whole, i find the subject rather irrritating. ok, i think tats not the rite word. nvm, nowadays my vocab sux. lalala ♫

so ya...

hahas. oh ya, so ok. 2day's the 5th day of the june hols(01/05/2010)

i went cab 2 sch 2day... had 2 attend maths olympiad. ironic isnt it? it was a total horror. like srly difficult. i ttly didnt noe how 2 do more than half the qs. is like evry1 all can do so easily. den im so lost... argh. haha. anyways, who cares abt tat. don wanna let it ruin my day. ooh, im re-reading breaking dawn again. fyi(if u didnt already noe), im obsessed wif the twilight saga. so nice. love all the bks, yes including new moon which i find rather 'dry' but still rather interesting, my fav bk frm the series is either breaking dawn or twilight ba. they're both so nice!!! eclipse is better than new moon but not as interesting as bd or twi. too much bacground information for my liking. so boring tho the 1st time u read it, its still quite interesting, den wen i re-read it again, i usually jus skip thru those parts. so haha. tats all i guess. hmm, 2moro (if i even blog) i'll talk more abt my fav characters. this seems like im analyzing evrythng rite... lol, im jus like... weird in tat sense... ^^ ♥rach