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rachel157 @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, May 31, 2010

the new thing i've been obsessed wif r nice quotes so here r some 4 u: ♥

... how true!!!

Frens r rily the best things in my life ^^

haha... so tats all i guess^^
thx for reading!!! ♥rachel signing off. HAHA ♫

i got lost 2day... too exhausted 2 elaborate more. jus noe tat i got lost, took 2 buses n changed train 2 get bac... so retarded i noe. But it was kinda exhilarating getting lost... esp wif a fren. U shud try it sometime. Rily damn fun!!! XD I think u think im crazy -.-

tho i am kinda siao. haha, bobians r always crazy... n abit mentally unstable. I think u haf no idea wat im talking abt now... Nvm, bobians 4eva!!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010

jus wanted 2 address this 2 all my frens, tho i we may not b in the same sch, or even in the same hemisphere, jus wanted 2 thank you and let you noe, i love u! life wouldnt mean anythng wifout u gals!

hmm... let's c, i 4got 2 talk abt this ytd so im doin it now. I plan 2 blog all 30 days of my short june hols. HAHA. So i didnt rily do much on the 2nd day(29/5/10) except i went 2 my grandma's hse last nite. There were some guests who rily freaked me out... they were kinda old... -.-" so... after tat, had dinner at this place wif awesome food. Rily vry delicious. Haha ^^

Tats abt it, so 2day(30/5/10) i woke up early, went 2 church, after tat had lunch n now im blogging. Actually im supposed 2 b doin my chi test but tat stupid server is down again. Somethng is like srly wrong lor! So irritating. i hate online hw. 1 thing i srly hate abt the hols is tat H-U-G-E load of hw tchrs dump on us and expect us 2 complete it. I mean, its kinda impossible 2 complete it all unless u haf like no life n study like siao... Which is so boring. HAHA! tho, during the hols can go overseas but so sad oso mus go bac 2 sch. UGH!!! I haf 2 go bac for drama... not tat i haf anythng against drama, its jus tat i kinda cant act n im so NOT outgoing or talkative. I rily hate public speaking. Like i srly cant stand up n speak in front evry1. Srly kills me... I hate having 2 stand in front of evry1 n act which i alr cant do. I suck at acting. Speaking of acting, my cca(drama, if u didnt noe) is putting up this performance on the 3rd of huly. I haf 2 sell at leat 5 tickets each costing $10. I havn't sold any yet... better sell them quickly ^^ but cant find any buyers. Even my parents don wanna support me. HAHA :D I don rily blame them. I mean who would pay $ 2 watch me act which im fairly certain im gonna screw up n make a total fool of myself n wreck the whole performance. IM NOT EVEN ACTING!!!! Doin this physical theatre thing with actions. Dunno how im gonna rmb all the steps... Talking abt it freaks me out even more. Nvm.. haha. So, i guess tats all for now. till 2moro! signing off, Rach ^^
Friday, May 28, 2010

here r some songs tat rily made a difference in my life:

song i 1st fell in love with:
lovestory by taylor swift(tat was a long time ago... i was so obsessed with it. Now not so much)

song tat made me wanna cry:
just a dream by carrie underwood (tat song is sooo sad :( )

song tat taught me the importance of frenship:
gift of a friend by demi lovato

song that taught me how 2 live my life:
I decide by lindsay lohan

song that i will nvr got bored of:
unfaithful by rihanna

song tat i already got bored of:
forever and always by taylor swift (cos 4eva is not possible...)

song that taught me not to give up:
change by taylor swift

song that describes me best:
the outside by taylor swift

emo song that's still stuck in my head:
new divide by linkin park

song i rily rily hate:
baby by justin bieber


went out wif my frens 2 vivo city ytd. Had sooo much fun! 1st, we went 2 candy empire n bought this weird/cool chocolate tat pops in ur mouth. Like rily damn cool lor! The popping sensation is... i dunno how 2 xplain. its cool i guess, n the chocolate was beyond delicious. Saw turkish delight(yes, the 1 tat edmund frm narnia ate) but it looked kinda gross.Den, we started walking around aimlessly till we saw this frozen yoghurt shop called 'yigloo' or something like tat. the frozen yoghurt there is sooo nice!!! MANGO FLAVOUR ROX!!! and u can get free toppings. den... we went 2 giant... got some stuff... den went 2 take some pics outside. The sun was scorching hot. I think i got a little tanned... NOT! haha :D im still as fair as ever... den had lunch at yoshinoya. their soup is nice... but too much beef for my taste... save the cows... haha :) oh ya, i saw my awesome geog tchr in this shop. Actually 1 of my frens spotted her... nvm... she was dressed in this gorgeous red dress... uber(i don care if uber is last yr. i lyke the word so im jus gonna use it...) gorgeous. den we wanted 2 get somethng similar 4 all of us 2 rmb tat day so we walked around aimlessly for another 1h or so till we went in2 this shop where u can customise ur own key chain. Spent prob 2 h there or somethng cos my frens couldnt agree on a charm... haha, esp 1 fren who wanted 2 make sure evrythng was perfect n matched... haha, now tat i think abt it, its kinda funny. spending 2h choosing a keychain... so of cos, i was late wen i got home. den i had 2 rush n bathe n change n evrythng 2 go attend a wedding at expo. yes i noe wat u mus b thinking... y the heck is a wedding bein held at the expo. It was actually held in 1 of the ballrooms there on the 2nd lvl. It was rily freezing cold there. I was shivering ttm. and the wedding which was supposed 2 start at 7:30 pm started 1h l8r cos there was a traffic jam and all the guests were late... Zzz. the on.i thing tat kept me alive was the peanuts. haha ^^ so the food was served at 9. i was absolutely starving and not 2 mention, bored 2 death. i got home at mayb 12 abd collasped on my bed. So tats it for the 1st day of my june hols i guess

guess what? I had this binder of bks i was supposed 2 carry home cos it was last day of sch b4 june hols so ya... haf lots of stuff 2 take home. Den i think i left it on the table( in sch) or somethng cos i couldnt find it. So... its lost. gone with the wind. i checked EVERYWHERE!!! i checked my classroom twice. srly, evrywhere imaginable. so sad, lost my sci txtbk, math txtbk, eng distinction in english and a library bk which i haf 2 return... Zzzz... mum was so pissed. Now i haf 2 save $$ and pay for all the missing stuff. B4 june hols even start, somethng like this had 2 happen. Now im too busy saving money 2 b able 2 spend it... This sucks...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

OMG OMG!!! 1 more stinking dat 2 june hols!!! yays! so excited. this fri, gonna go out.Den tue, i haf 2 go 4 wretched maths olympiad n i jus realised im the oni gal. This srly sux. Den wed, i haf 2 go bac 2 sch for drama!!! Den thu, i haf 2 study n catch up on hol hw... -.- Den fri, i haf 2 go bac 2 sch again for drama... den 2nd wk of hols i'll b overseas... den 3rd wk i'll prob b goin esplanade library wif frens 2... STUDY!!! lols, den ya... tats abt it. Oh, ya. on vesak day i haf 2 attend my aunt or some1's wedding. I don even noe how she's related 2 me but nvm... I didnt wanna go in the 1st place but i was forced... I cant stand it wen ppl eat shark's fin. DYK SHARKS ARE ENDANGERED BCOS OF US!!! We cut off their fins den throw the rest of the shark bac in2 the sea. Den the poor wittle creature will drown 2 death... GRR!!! lol, ok. as u can tell im all abt saving the animals. I cant help it. Is lyke like all w do is harm animals and force them 2 extinction. Wat did dey do 2 ever deserve such fates??? nvm... not many ppl understand y im so obsessed...
Sunday, May 23, 2010

stupid lead is pissing me off. Everytime i click the tchrs e-mail address(cos my maths tchr wants us 2 e-mail her our ws) the thing disappears. like so weird n irritating. asking my fren for help now. So while im waiting... im blogging. HAHA! :D hmm... abt 3 more days 2 june hols! cos fri is vesak day n i haf meet-the-parents on either wed or thu. Im not exactly sure :P
HEHE... 1 more bk review 2 go n i haf officially finished my wkend hw. YAY!
lol, the 'fren' who's supposed 2 help mi oso dunno how... how??? LOL!!! so weird. ooh... jus received an e-mail frm facebk. I wonder wat it could b. e-mails frm facebk r so irritating. dont u agree?
Friday, May 21, 2010

i jus finished 1 bk review. 1 more to go YAY! not... so fed up. took so damn long 2 finish the darn thing. hahas. it was abt how materialistic this world has become... the best dress, the best shoes. What has this world bcome of?!?!? nvm... rily gtg get started on maths. ttly not looking for ward 2 it... AHHHH!!! I hate maths.

HI gals! its the wkend once again. So how'r u awesome ppl doin? I haf so much hw 2 do so wont b blogging much 2day ^^. Mayb 2moro if i can finish all my hw. Rily killing me. I'm sure u dont wanna hear a list of my hw this wk so im not gonna waste ur time(and mine) typing it out. HAHA!!! im supposed 2 b doin english on9 but i kinda got distracted... -.-|| so anyways, l8r im gonna go my bff's hse 2 do stupid home ec project... sad. I hate home ec cos of that stupid guy. Talking abt him makes me feel pissed. oopsies! gtg...
Friday, May 14, 2010

I know I havn't updated this old thing for a very long time... So i'm gonna start again.
I don rily noe where 2 start typing frm so i guess i'll start wif the beginning of this yr. new school, new frens, new cca. GOSH! I absolutely hate my cca... DRAMA!!! Can u believe it? I cant even act... Those who know me prob just got a heart attack so u c my point! I cant act!!! Or recite lines in front of a million ppl... Let's not talk abt tat now... ooh... somethng funny tat happened this yr. I had this eng project where we were supposed 2 act out this fantasy story tat we came up wif ourselves. My group's story was about this 2 'bad' girls who bullied a guai girl's hamster. Den the 'magical' hamster ran away in2 this magical room or somethng which transported the 3 girls in2 this new dimension far far away. There were gigiantic hamsters that roamed the city and the big hamsters started bullying the 2 'bad' girls. Den Amy (the guai girl) bein so kindhearted and all went in search of the 2 guardians of this dimension. Who froze the hamsters and saved us. The 'bad' girls thanked the guardians and amy and became not so bad girls. The end. ok, i think u might haf died of boredom while reading tat so... erm... my sincerest apologies? If u havn't died yet den good 4 u cos this is the interesting part. I was acting as the bad girl fyi and my frens managed 2 convince me 2 cut my hair. So ya, my fren cut my hair n kinda wrecked it in the process. YAY!!! My poor hair. Still waiting 4 it 2 grow back... I cant believe it. I let my fen cut my hair so i'd look bad in the role. GRR!!! So that's all for now. Ciao!