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rachel157 @blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, March 9, 2008

DAY 3........................................................................................................................................................
We had devotion and breakfast.Then,we had to do a reflection and survey about the camp :( it was quite boring though.After that we had a prize giving session for best group and best camper. My group won the prize for best group:).The prize was an archery session for 2 hrs free,but it is quite a stupid price because I hate sports especially does that need us 2 use strength.I hate that stupid price alot y did they have 2 give such a stupid useless price.It would be soooo much better if it was popular vouchers.Anyway,on the bus I sat with one of my good friends and we talked all the way.We also ate sweets till we reached home.That is how my dreadful camp ended.
The End !!!
Thank you for reading!
Friday, March 7, 2008

It turned out that the teachers were actually scaring us to death! DAY 2.............
We had devotion and we were told the activities we would be doing.I was doing out door cooking.We were seperated into our different places for the activity.I was at a shelthered area because of the rain but it was supposed to be outdoor.I cooked maggi noodles so I did not have lunch.It was very delicious!It had egg,sotong balls,sausages and crab sticks.After lunch,I was doing topography and trekking.Topography is the study of land and we were given a clue and supposed to find that place before we could move on.It was very tiring but we won the competition against the other team we were challenging.It was very tiring and I was glad it ended soon.Then we had dinner and it was camp fire time!It was quite exciting because everyone was waving their light sticks and there was music too!Too bad it ended soon but we were tired too !

To be continued.....................

It had started raining and our tents were finally completed.We dashed for cover as the downpour started.Luckily,it was just a passing rain and it stopped quite soon!The food was awful and the night walk was extremely frightful!The night walk was done in a forest quite far from our tent. We went into the forest with 4-6 people in a team.It was pitch darkness and ear piercing screams could be heard far away.My heart was pounding harder and harder as my turn came closer and closer.When it was my turn,I grabbed the sholder of the person in front of me as we were walking in pairs.There were only glow sticks to tell us the path and we were left alone in the forest and told the follow the path with glow sticks.It was a few minutes before a shadow appeared in front of us and started to growl.We were shocked and scared at the same time so we did what most people did-scream like we are crazy.It soon ended and we were now even more scared and we started walking slower and slower.after that,we walked past a tree.We did not know there was a person up there until we heard a loud "Boo" sound and we started screaming again.It luckily it had soon ended and we were back in the light.Some people were so scared that they even cried all the way to the exit.During that night,I could not sleep and I ended up sleeping at 3:30.
To be continued.............